Paris Dream of Lady J./16x16"/oil on canvas/2021

Price: 0.00 USD
Width: Height: Weight: ( Inches )
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Lana/ Oil on canvas/ 16"x16"x 4"/ 2020

Steve Z./ 16"x16"x4"/Oil on canvas/2018

KATHERINE M.G /Oil on canvas/2013

Portrait of Katherine Govier.

Price: 0.00 USD
Width: Height: Weight: ( Inches )
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Portrait of Mr.Franjo Zlatic


Portrait of Mr. John I. Robic

Price: 0.00 USD
Width: Height: Weight: ( Inches )
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Dr I.V.,2011.

Portrait of Jelena Madunic

Price: 0.00 USD
Width: Height: Weight: ( Inches )
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Portrait of Iva

Price: 0.00 USD
Width: Height: Weight: ( Inches )
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Tin, 1992/3

33 Hazelton Dream/ 36"x48"/ Oil on canvas/ 2020

Solin's Lamentation/2015


JOHN'S LIFE / 2014 /Oil on canvas